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Today's News

Wednesday, July 27, 2016
Is today's news making you fearful and hopeless? I was feeling that way, too, until I remembered something very important.


In our country, we are witnessing a rowdy three-ring circus masquerading as the political process. Across the pond in France, a priest had his throat slit yesterday. In Syria, my parents' hometown of Aleppo is under siege by the army while its residents (the remaining ones) are starving and terrified. According to the World Health Organization, 56 million abortions take place worldwide each year. A man was arrested a few days ago for molesting a 9-year-old boy in a mall bathroom.


That's just today's news.


I was thinking this morning about the worst thing I've ever personally experienced. My mother's death was devastating. It crushed my soul and depleted my tears and suffocated my spirit for years. It was an abysmal time in my life. But I cannot imagine what that priest experienced in the middle of Mass. I cannot fathom the pain of my family surviving on three loaves of bread a day. I am overcome at the thought of 3,000 babies murdered every day in our country alone. I cry in anguish at the fear that boy must have felt when that pervert walked into his bathroom stall.


And that's just today's news.


I continue to heal from my mother's death. I pray that priest is rejoicing with Jesus right now. I applaud the resilience of the Syrian people. I admire the women (and men) who choose life. I praise that boy's courage and pray for complete healing from this trauma.


And yet, despite today's news and yesterday's news and tomorrow's news, we have hope and victory in Jesus. These aren't merely words. This is the truth on which we have to stand when it feels like the world is crumbling around us. We are NOT to be hopeless. We are NOT to be fearful. We are NOT to be passive.


God is love, yeah. We know that. Wait, are you sure you know it? Are you willing to accept it? Because if you know it, then you have to accept that God loves the men who murdered an elderly priest. He loves rebel soldiers. He loves abortion doctors. He even loves the pedophiles. Don't misunderstand – He doesn't love their actions. In fact, God hates sin. He hates it so much, He sacrificed everything to stop it.


So there is an end to this. It's coming, and it feels like it's coming soon. You can't be lukewarm anymore. There just isn't any time left.


These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world. (John 16:33)


Take courage in Him. If you're not sure how, email me at silva@onmyshoebox.com. I'm tired of this world's tribulations, but my hope is in Jesus, who has overcome the world. The world's news rests in Him, our peace rests in Him, and so will I rest in Him.









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