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Wednesday, May 11, 2016
Ever felt like the plainest flower in the bunch? I have.


I've been to a lot of fashion events in the last 20 or so years. Let's just say there's nothing like being in a room full of models to make you feel homely. I mean, you're in your bedroom putting on your favorite outfit, doing your hair and makeup and thinking, "Dang, I look GOOD." And then you show up to the party and there are 50 girls who are taller and prettier than you.


Have you ever felt plain?


Have you ever felt boring? Simple? Insignificant? Ugly?


I have. It's not fun. When I'm in my bedroom, I'm the prettiest girl alive. But when I compare myself to others, that's the danger zone. And a lot of times it depends on my mood and hormones. Sometimes it depends on my hair. Or a zit. A zit can ruin everything!


A few weekends ago I was at a women's retreat in the mountains of California. We had some free time on Saturday afternoon, so while I was zip lining and helping bake cream puffs, some of the other ladies picked flowers and made simple centerpieces for our dining tables.


When we sat down to dinner that night, I noticed the flowers. I couldn't stop staring at them. Now, I'm not exactly what you'd call a flower person. I have expressly asked my husband never to send me or buy me flowers. They're nice, but they die. (I'd much rather have French fries, macarons or shoes.) But I couldn't stop staring at these flowers.


If I had to pick my favorite flower, it would be a peony. I find them incredibly gorgeous. They are, like, the supermodel of flowers in my opinion. And here I sat staring at some simple little yellowish-gold blossoms. You could even call them homely.


Yet I was captivated.


Those little florets held my grip because all I could picture when I looked at them was God's fingers shaping and creating them. The same God who created the peonies. The same God who created the mountains. The same God who created my children. The God of our universe, our Creator, made these simple little flowers. To Him they are just as special and beautiful as the most exotic bouquet or blazing sunset or rushing waterfall. Just as Jesus left the 99 sheep to go after the lost one, He values each of us the same.


Next time you feel like the plainest flower in the bouquet, pull yourself out and put yourself in a bud vase and remember that God made you perfectly. He thinks you are the prettiest flower in the universe. And so do I.






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