Pretty Toes
Wednesday, April 17, 2019
Am I allowed to like myself?
I can't lie.
I have always loved my toes.
They are so petite,
unlike my nose.
And my belly button,
a mini-innie.
Am I allowed to like myself?
My full-ish lips
that divide
and pull wide
into a smile.
Am I allowed
to be proud
of the things I can do?
Of catching mice
and squishing a cockroach
(but I won't do it twice).
Of carrying two babies
my belly stretched
the marks etched
forever mine.
Of nursing with the breasts
that others attacked
and tried to shame me
of their purpose,
in fact.
Can I share
that you too
are beautiful
beyond compare?
For how you look
and fill your days.
For all you do
and all your ways.
I am me
and you are you.
Each so unique
cherished and pure.
Perfect in Christ,
you're the one He chose.
So love yourself
and your pretty toes.

Monday, October 7, 2019
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Wednesday, February 27, 2019
Meet the fearless female behind the kiln of CnG Pottery. Her one-of-a-kind pieces reflect her love of nature as she proves it's never too late to pick up a new skill.
Monday, August 21, 2017
Looking beautiful is hard work, but being beautiful comes from within (and it's for everyone!). Qwynne Winslow of The Refinery knows beauty inside and out. Read her fresh and fearless take on fashion, self worth, and how her personal journey led her to helping others find their true beauty.